3 Education Make FASET GSA1 Assessments Simple Mandatory Assessments are required every 5 years
The safety netting industry is one of the trades where operatives need to be reassessed to renew their card every FIVE YEARS via an assessment called a GSA 1. This practical and theory assessment for net riggers is a mandatory requirement. The practical element requires a 100% pass. The theory allows for four incorrect answers.
3 Education provides this service across the UK and strictly abides by the rules FASET have set. This means candidates do fail and have to undergo additional training. It is NOT simply “turn up and pass.”
It is important to 3 Education that candidates consider the process (pass or fail) to be fair and reasonable. Our integrity ensures safety net riggers continue to install correctly which means the nets will perform as intended in the event of a fall.
A GSA1 pass is achievable as long as the participant spends some time preparing for it.
Assessments must take place in realistic working conditions. This means employers must provide sites with appropriate working environments. Increasingly, more Assessments are taking place at the 3 Educations centre where equipment, structure and safe environment is available.
Preparing for your FASET GSA1 Assessment
If your GSA1 is coming up, it would be a good idea to look at the Insider News page on this website-much of the information you need to know is there. It would also be worth checking out the Bulletins page.
Candidates must be prepared for the assessment:
Have received and read FASET’s Your GSA1 in plenty of time.
Have visited Insider News page.
Have visited the Bulletins page.
Be suitably “PPE’d” for the work –INCLUDING HARNESS & SHORT LANYARD
When on site, site management are aware of the assessment and sufficient equipment; i.e. safety nets, attachments and access equipment is available.
Candidates able to rig/demonstrate an eaves bag, temporary repair and knots.
If the candidate is successful, 3 Education confirms the ”pass” with FASET.
The successful candidate then applies for his/her card directly from FASET.

The industry body for man safety nets is FASET. It operates from the UK, although it is rapidly developing globally as the rest of the world looks to the lead taken by the UK. FASET sets standards and develops solutions for the industry. It provides a platform through which industry, authorities and other stakeholders can communicate; ultimately maximising the use and performance of man safety nets.
It authors courses covering the installation and management of safety nets and has taken an embryonic training course through to a formal qualification through independent assessment.
This qualification is the only recognised route to determine competence and this is evidenced through a blue CSCS card.
FASET is made up of an independent secretariat and a board of Directors. Member companies (typically installers, manufacturers and trainers) contribute to a number of working parties to strive for high standards and good practice. 3 Education is an active member of FASET, regularly contributing to working committees.